CDBG Implementation Manual

CDBG Implementation Manual

CDBG Implementation Training Series

CDBG Implementation Training Modules
Introduction to CDBG Implementation Training VIDEO
Module 1: Life of a CDBG Project VIDEO
Module 2: Getting a Grant Agreement VIDEO
Module 3: Finance and Accounting VIDEO
Module 4: Environment VIDEO
Module 5: Federal Requirements VIDEO
Module 6: Professional Services VIDEO
Module 7: Monitoring VIDEO
Module 8: Bid Docs VIDEO
Module 9: Preparing for Construction VIDEO
Module 10: Payroll VIDEO
Module 11: Closeout VIDEO

Other CDBG Considerations

Title Link
CDBG Preventing the Pain of Payroll Pitfalls VIDEO

Exhibits – Chapter 1

Exhibits – Chapter 2

Exhibits – Chapter 3

Exhibits – Chapter 4

Exhibits – Chapter 5