Community Development Bureau
The Community Development Bureau has assisted New Mexico’s municipalities and counties in investing over $250 million in federal CDBG funds to address local community development needs. Bureau staff members provide assistance and oversight to local officials with the implementation of needed infrastructure, public buildings, housing rehabilitation, economic development, planning and other critical projects.
The second major responsibility of the Community Development Bureau is the administration of hundreds of Capital Outlay Projects passed by the New Mexico Legislature and signed into law by the Governor each year. The Bureau executes formal agreements with units of local government, processes payments and ensures that these state funds – nearly $400 million over ten years – are spent in accordance with authorizing legislation.
Job Title
Phone No.
Carmen Morin |
Bureau Chief
Dawn Webster | Senior Legislative Program Manager | 505-487-6420 |
Daniel Catanach | Project Manager | 505-231-6090 |
Geovanna Losito | Project Manager | 505-257-8098 |
Lori Vasquez |
Program Manager
505-469-6175 |
Lynda Martinez | Project Manager | 505-699-3971 |
Melody Zamora |
Project Manager
505-670-4395 |
Melanie Viarrial |
Project Manager
505-690-1561 |
Project Manager
For more information regarding guidance, deadlines and forms please click here:
NM Recovery Housing Program Action Plan Amendment – Notice of Public Hearing
Mailing Address
Community Development Bureau
Local Government Division
407 Galisteo Room 202
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Phone: 505-470-8979
Fax: 505-827-4948
Community Development Bureau
Local Government Division
Bataan Memorial Building, Room 202
Santa Fe, NM 87501