Capital Outlay Bureau
Capital Outlay Projects Bureau
The Capital Outlay Bureau (COB) is responsible for coordinating the funding and administration of capital projects under the statutory authority of the State Budget Division, Department of Finance and Administration. The COB works closely with executive agencies and Governor to prepare the Executive Capital Budget. COB is responsible for administering the capital budgeting process. This includes the processing of the Capital Appropriation Bill; assuring appropriations are budgeted and available for Departments to administer. COB also maintains the State Capital Project Monitoring System which tracks all capital appropriations and updates fiscal information bi-weekly. COB monitors the expiration dates of all capital appropriations and ensures timely reversions of expired appropriation balances. COB also provides training, assistance and oversight to agencies on the planning, project management and administration of capital project appropriations. This includes the Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan for State Agencies.
Analysis Unit
Staff | Job Title | Phone Number |
Executive Principal Analyst, Capital Outlay |
Sarah de la Rosa | Executive Capital Analyst | 505-570-7769 |
Address | Mailing Address |
Department of Finance and Administration State Budget Division Capital Outlay Bureau Bataan Memorial Building, Rm 190 407 Galisteo Street Santa Fe, NM 87501 |
Department of Finance and Administration
State Budget Division
Capital Outlay Bureau
Bataan Memorial Building, Rm 190
407 Galisteo
Street Santa Fe, NM 87501
Capital Outlay Request Form – Governor’s Office
*** To be considered for funding, your request must be submitted using this form by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 20, 2024. ***
Please fill out the complete form in its entirety and click the submit button at the end. A copy of your request will be emailed to you. If you do not receive an email after you click submit, you may have entered your email address incorrectly. Each section with a red (*) is required and those without an (*) are not required. Also, limit all answers to 500 characters. Use the legal name of the entity when entering entity information. The entity should use the name listed in the bylaws or on file with the Secretary of State’s office. Lastly, follow the formats in the examples when examples are given.
All projects must be submitted to the LCS website prior to submission. The LCS Project ID# can be found at the top of the LCS capital outlay request print out once you have submitted.
Capital assets must be owned by the state or a political subdivision of the state. If a capital asset will be leased to another organization, the fiscal agent for the project must submit documentation identifying the owner of the asset and certifying that the asset will be leased at fair market value and appropriately maintained. Documentation should be submitted to the DFA Capital Outlay Bureau at the email address below when your project request is completed online.
If the project is a local economic development project representing a public-private partnership under the Local Economic Development Act, a copy of the project participation agreement between the private entity and the applicable local or regional government should be submitted to the DFA Capital Outlay Bureau at the email address below when your project request is completed online.
If you have any questions regarding the form, contact Wesley Billingsley at
If you have additional documentation regarding this request, send it to Jesse Guillen at
Governor’s Office Website: