Budget Division

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Welcome to the Budget Division

The Department of Finance and Administration, State Budget Division, oversees and administers the New Mexico state budget. State Budget Division provides high quality, timely and easy to understand analysis and recommendations for agency budgets, legislation and performance issues. In addition, the division prepares and presents the Governor’s annual budget recommendation to the New Mexico Legislature. The division also monitors and oversees expenditures by state agencies during the fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30 each year. Chapter 6, Article 3, Section 1 through 25 of the New Mexico Statutes Annotated 1978 governs the division.
The State Budget Division also is charged with implementing the Accountability in Government Act, codified at Chapter 6, Article 3A, Sections 1 through 9 of the New Mexico Statutes Annotated 1978 which mandates and details the implementation of performance based program budgeting in New Mexico State Government.


Staff Job Title Phone No.
Andrew Miner Director 505-819-1772
Meribeth Densmore Deputy Director 505-690-5749
Eric Vasquez Office Manager 505-231-2202

 Analyst Unit

Staff Job Title Phone No.
Diego Jimenez Principal Analyst 505-690-7162
Nicole Macias Principal Analyst 505-699-0065
VACANT Principal Analyst
VACANT Principal Analyst 
Joshua Martinez Senior Analyst 505-231-7039
Lori Sciacca Senior Analyst 505-690-6929
Mario Semiglia Senior Analyst 505-795-1999
Monica Tapia Senior Analyst 505-670-4279
Ariana Vigil Senior Analyst 505-690-5740
Sarbjot (SJ) Jessop Analyst 505-660-2057
Skye Stone Analyst 505-487-3460
VACANT Performance Analyst  
Jackie Steele Performance Analyst 505-699-0419


New Mexico State Budget Division
190 Bataan Memorial Building
407 Galisteo Street
Santa Fe, NM   87501