Infrastructure Planning and Development Division

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Infrastructure Planning and Development Division

The Infrastructure Planning and Development Division (IPDD) collaborates with state agencies, the legislative and judicial branches, and local public bodies to provide comprehensive planning and funding assistance for capital projects listed in the Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP).  

Our mission is to expertly manage the planning and funding process for all capital outlay projects, ensuring that they are fully funded through various appropriations and financing mechanisms, including  the Capital Appropriation Bill, the Reauthorization Bill, the GOB Bill, the HB2 Specials, federal grant and loan programs, state grant and loan programs, and any Junior Bill. 


On July 1, 2024, the Department of Finance and Administration launched the IPDD as legislatively defined by House Bill 232 in the 2024 Regular Legislative Session. IPDD aims to overhaul and modernize the capital outlay process by centralizing and consolidating infrastructure and capital outlay operations and integrating funding navigation to ensure projects are fully funded and completed in a timely manner. 

Historically, New Mexico has conducted capital outlay using analogic-type processes that are in require modernization. The state’s commitment to the modernization of the capital outlay and infrastructure process comes through two critical developments: 

  1.  The creation of IPDD 
  2. The development of a modernized capital outlay and infrastructure system that the executive branch, legislature, and the public can easily access and understand. IPDD leads this upgrade. 

Why is IPDD important?  

In addition to other duties that may be assigned to the Infrastructure Planning and Development Division, the division shall:  

  • Provide assistance to local governments, councils of governments and tribal governments in identifying and accessing funding for infrastructure development from public and private sources and in administering funding to complete capital projects. 
  • Receive, review and evaluate capital project plans proposed by local governments, councils of government and tribal governments and provide advice on the plans. 
  • Coordinate with the federal grants bureau to leverage state dollars for federal infrastructure grants and to identify federal funding opportunities for state and local projects and track the pursuit and receipt of those federal grants.

IPDD Bureaus 

Capital Planning and Policy Bureau

The Capital Planning and Policy Bureau will assist state agencies and local governing bodies with planning their capital projects. They will assist in the development of the ICIP, the review of the ICIP, as well as direct them to other resources (Federal Grants Bureau & Capital Navigation and Funding Bureau) for fully funding their capital outlay requests. They will work closely with executive agencies and the Governor to prepare the Executive Capital Budget. This includes the general fund questionnaire process and working with the State Budget Division to assure all appropriations are budgeted and available for grant administration. Lastly, the bureau is also responsible for creating and updating division wide policies.  

Capital Navigation and Funding Bureau

The Capital Navigation and Funding Assistance Bureau will be responsible for assisting state agencies and local governing bodies with: 

  •  Finding funding for their capital projects 
  • Coordinating the funding opportunities and providing guidance with applying for capital grants 
  • Updating the Catalog of Local Assistance Programs and utilizing the catalog to assist with finding alternate funding sources 

The Rural and Frontier Equity Ombud positions, which formerly functioned under the Local Government Division of DFA, are now apart of the Capital Navigation and Funding Assistance Bureau. The Rural and Frontier Equity Ombuds will aid in collecting data and creating a rural infrastructure database  that provides real time information for grants and stakeholders. Additionally, this bureau can help regions organize and obtain funding to conduct complete comprehensive asset management plans for unincorporated rural and tribal areas. 

Federal Grant Bureau

The Federal Grants Bureau’s mission is to build capacity among state agencies, local governments, and tribes for successfully acquiring and managing federal grants for the benefit of New Mexico communities. The Federal Grants Bureau works directly with state agencies to track federal funding received by the state, notify agencies and local governments in New Mexico of federal funding opportunities available and aid with grant applications, including grant writing. Additionally, Federal Grants Bureau staff assists entities with internal federal grant accounting, audit, and monitoring issues that may hold an entity back from receiving federal funds. 

The IPDD Team

Staff Job Title Phone
Wesley Billingsley Division Director 505-819-1915
Hallie Brown Bureau Chief: Capital Navigation and Funding Assistance 505-500-9355
Scott Wright Bureau Chief: Capital Planning and Policy
LeAndra Garcia Federal Grants Management Supervisor 505-469-2729 
Anna Naruta-Moya Federal Grants Acquisition Supervisor 505-470-7935 
Michael Gilmore Rural and Frontier Equity Ombud 505-629-2845
Jason Quintana Rural and Frontier Equity Ombud, 505 827-8051
Ethan Branch Funding Assistance Navigator 505-538-5667
Mary Ann Maestas Local ICIP Coordinator 505-487-3523