Administrative Services

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The purpose of program support is to provide other Department of Finance and Administration programs with central direction to agency management processes to ensure consistency, legal compliance and financial integrity.
For Accounts Payable, please submit requests to the following email account:
Job Title
Phone No.
Acting ASD Director
Mackie Romero Deputy Director/CFO 505-827-3923
Anthony Enright Budget Manager 505-469-9474
Camille Gonzales Finance Bureau Chief 505-699-0513
Melissa Rael General Ledger Accountant 505-827-3843
Victoria Falance AP Supervisor 505-479-2303
Angel Chacon AP Accountant Auditor 505-231-6869
Jenay Sandoval AP Accountant Auditor 505-500-9866
Camille Baca Financial Specialist 505-490-0047
Nick J. Apodaca Budget Analyst 505-795-2002
Sonya Bachicha NM 911 Program Coordinator 505-309-2562
Diane Swan HR Bureau Chief 505-469-7877
Krystal Tool HR Senior Generalist 505-570-7743
Carmen  Hancock HR Generalist 505-479-2621